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Better Energy

Better Energy

Better Life: Three Supplements to Change Your Life Boosting your energy resources is something only you can do for yourself. Whether you’re frazzled and fried, vibrant and vivacious, or down in the doldrums makes a great difference in your quality of life. These three supplements have been proven to lead you to the spring in your step that you may be missing. 1) Phosphatidyl Serine An essential compound in the membrane of each cell, this phospholipid has been proven to reduce cortisol levels when taken as a supplement. For diabetics, it helps with glucose utilization, and also helps to prevent peripheral neuropathy. For men, it has been proven to buffer stress-related rises in cortisol. Take 400 to 800 mg per day. 2) Rhodiola A super-herb in the arsenal against stress-related disorders, including adrenal exhaustion, rhodiola defeats stress-related fatigue, improves mental performance under stress, improves memory and concentration, decreases cortisol levels, and acts as a awakening agent for the nervous system. With gingko, it improves physical endurance by increasing oxygen absorption and preventing fatigue. 200 mg once or twice a day may work wonders for you. 3) Relora Are you stressed out, overweight, and unable to fall asleep mid-evening (9-10 pm)? This herbal combination helps lower cortisol levels, especially in the evening, which will improve your sleep cycle. It also combats stress-related eating that sends blood sugar levels and energy levels on a roller coaster ride and causes extended dips that function like depression. It also eliminates anxiety in premenopausal women. The recommended dosage is 250 mg three times daily.